Thursday, September 24, 2009

Patience is a Virtue


Patience gazed upon a sea of sand,
Bearing only what she had worn yesterday.
Blowing sanguine kisses to what she is waiting for.

Paulo Coelho has used patience to symbolize love and it's moral to the world. In 'The Alchemist' patience is represents itself through Fatima. Fatima is a woman of the desert and a woman of the desert is extremely patient because they must wait for their men to return for long periods of time. This demonstrates that everybody can be patient even when it occurs through a difficult time. Patience is represented through Fatima and she carries out the qualities and aspects of Patience. In three main religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, patience is included in their virtues in life. In Christianity, patience is considered one of the most valuable virtues of life and is included in the 'Seven Virtues'. In Judaism, patience is conspicuous theme in Judaism. Jews also have strong patience in God. In Islam, it is believed that if you are patient, you are closer to Allah. Observing that patience is powerfully connected to the main religions, Santiago can use it to become closer to God. Altogether, patience is also to compel people to become a better person and to become closer to God.

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