Friday, October 9, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci

Renaissance means rebirth. Renaissance is a word used to describe an era of change, new ideas and questions. Some famous people from the Renaissance era can be described as true Renaissance men, for example, Leonardo Da Vinci. By observing and reading about him (from textbooks and exhibitions) we can see that Leonardo Da Vinci is a true Renaissance man because he possesses the character traits of one. Starting at a young age, Leonardo was extremely curious about the environment around him. He would study and sketch everything he saw and he also wrote about them and described them. Leonardo was clearly asking questions and attempting to answer them. When I went to his exhibition I saw his many inventions which shows that he was very creative and tried to rebirth ideas and redefine the old ones. For example, he was always interested in water movement, air movement and flight. Some of his flying inventions are designed in the shape of a bird and his mathematical formula was based on how he believed birds flew; he invented a parachute but noone was brave enough to try it out.

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