Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tip-Top Tiles

The part in the painting that I would like to be are the tiles on the ground. I like this part of the painting because I think that the tiles stand out more than everything else. There is nothing else in the painting which are similar to them therefore I like its individuality. Another reason why I would like to be them is that their perspective has been done very well. They make your eyes trail up to the focus point. The tiles also look very clean because in the painting there is a mop which tells us that it is kept clean. Hence it would be nice to be clean. Furthermore, the style and colours are very admirable and they make the rest of the room grander and bigger. The pattern reminds me of a chess board and I like chess. I like this part of the painting very much and I it is clearly the best and most attractive part of 'The Letter'.

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